Attraction-Repulsion Weighted Hegselmann-Krause

The Attraction-Repulsion Weighted Hegselmann-Krause was introduced by Toccaceli et al. in 2020 [1].

This model is a variation of the Weighted Hegselmann-Krause (WHK). This model considers pair-wise interactions. To model the attraction and repulsion of opinions, during each iteration an agent \(i\) is randomly selected along with one of its neighbors, \(j\) - not taking into account the \(\epsilon\) threshold. Once identified the pair-wise interaction, the absolute value of the difference between the opinions of \(i\) and \(j\) is computed. There are four different variants of the method:

  1. Base case: If the computed difference value is lower than \(\epsilon\) then the update rule becomes:
\[\begin{split}x_i(t+1)= \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} x_i(t) + \frac{x_i(t) + x_j(t)w_{i,j}}{2} (1-x_i(t)) & \quad \quad \mbox{if } x_i(t) \geq 0\\ x_i(t) + \frac{x_i(t) + x_j(t)w_{i,j}}{2} (1+x_i(t)) & \quad \quad \mbox{if } x_i(t) < 0 \end{array} \right.\end{split}\]
  1. Attraction: if the computed difference value is lower than \(\epsilon\) then the following update rule are applied:
\[\begin{split}x_i(t+1)=\begin{cases} x_i(t) - \frac{sum_{op}}{2} (1-x_i(t)) & \text{if x_i(t) \geq 0, x_j(t) \geq 0, x_i(t) > x_j(t) }\\ x_i(t) + \frac{sum_{op}}{2} (1-x_i(t)) & \text{if x_i(t) \geq 0, x_j(t) \geq 0, x_i(t) < x_j(t) } \\ x_i(t) + \frac{sum_{op}}{2} (1+x_i(t)) & \text{if x_i(t) < 0, x_j(t) < 0, x_i(t) > x_j(t) }\\ x_i(t) - \frac{sum_{op}}{2} (1+x_i(t)) & \text{if x_i(t) < 0, x_j(t) < 0, x_i(t) < x_j(t) } \\ x_i(t) - \frac{sum_{op}}{2} (1-x_i(t)) & \text{if x_i(t) \geq 0, x_j(t) < 0, sum_{op} > 0}\\ x_i(t) + \frac{sum,_{op}}{2} (1-x_i(t)) & \text{if x_i(t) \geq 0, x_j(t) < 0, sum_{op} < 0}\\ x_i(t) + \frac{sum_{op}}{2} (1+x_i(t)) & \text{if x_i(t) < 0, x_j(t) \geq 0, sum_{op} > 0}\\ x_i(t) - \frac{sum_{op}}{2} (1+x_i(t)) & \text{if x_i(t) < 0, x_j(t) \geq 0, sum_{op} < 0}\\ \end{cases}\end{split}\]

where \(sum_{op} = x_i(t) + x_j(t)w_{i,j}\).

  1. Repulsion: if the difference between \(x_i(t)\) and \(x_j(t)\) exceeds \(\epsilon\) then the following update rule are applied:
\[\begin{split}x_i(t+1)=\begin{cases} x_i(t) + \frac{sum{op}}{2} (1-x_i(t)) & \text{if x_i(t) \geq 0, x_j(t) \geq 0, x_i(t) > x_j(t) }\\ x_i(t) - \frac{sum_{op}}{2} (1-x_i(t)) & \text{if x_i(t) \geq 0, x_j(t) \geq 0, x_i(t) < x_j(t)} \\ x_i(t) - \frac{sum_{op}}{2} (1+x_i(t)) & \text{if x_i(t) < 0, x_j(t) < 0, x_i(t) > x_j(t) }\\ x_i(t) + \frac{sum_{op}}{2} (1+x_i(t)) & \text{if x_i(t) < 0, x_j(t) < 0, x_i(t) < x_j(t) } \\ x_i(t) + \frac{sum_{op}}{2} (1-x_i(t)) & \text{if x_i(t) \geq 0, x_j(t) < 0, sum_{op} > 0}\\ x_i(t) - \frac{sum_{op}}{2} (1-x_i(t)) & \text{if x_i(t) \geq 0, x_j(t) < 0, sum_{op} < 0}\\ x_i(t) - \frac{sum_{op}}{2} (1+x_i(t)) & \text{if x_i(t) < 0, x_j(t) \geq 0, sum_{op} > 0}\\ x_i(t) + \frac{sum_{op}}{2} (1+x_i(t)) & \text{if x_i(t) < 0, x_j(t) \geq 0, sum_{op} < 0}\\ \end{cases}\end{split}\]

where \(sum_{op} = x_i(t) + x_j(t)w_{i,j}\).

4. Attraction and Repulsion: if the computed difference value is lower than \(\epsilon\) then the attraction interaction occurs, otherwise the repulsion attraction occurs.


Node statuses are continuous values in [-1,1].


Name Type Value Type Default Mandatory Description
epsilon Model float in [0, 1] True Bounded confidence threshold
perc_stubborness Model float in [0, 1] 0 False Percentage of stubborn agent
similarity Model int in {0, 1} 0 False The method use the feature of the nodes ot not
option_for_stubbornness Model int in {-1,0, 1} 0 False Define distribution of stubborns
method_variant Model int in {0, 1, 2, 3} 0 False The choice of the method to apply
weight Edge float in [0, 1] 0.1 False Edge weight
stubborn Node int in {0, 1} 0 False The agent is stubborn or not
vector Node Vector of float in [0, 1] [] False Vector represents the character of the node


The following class methods are made available to configure, describe and execute the simulation:


class ndlib.models.opinions.ARWHKModel.ARWHKModel(graph)

Model Parameters to be specified via ModelConfig :param epsilon: bounded confidence threshold from the HK model (float in [0,1]) :param perc_stubborness: Percentage of stubborn agent (float in [0,1], default 0) :param option_for_stubbornness: Define distribution of stubborns (in {-1, 0, 1}, default 0) :param similarity: the method uses the similarity or not ( in {0,1}, default 0) :param weight: the weight of edges (float in [0,1]) :param stubborn: The agent is stubborn or not ( in {0,1}, default 0) :param vector: represents the character of the node (list in [0,1], default []) :param method_variant: the variant of method to apply: 0-> base case 1->with attraction 2->with repulsion, 3-> with attractiona nd repulsion ( in {0,1, 2, 3}, default 0)


Model Constructor :param graph: A networkx graph object

ARWHKModel.set_initial_status(self, configuration)

Override behaviour of methods in class DiffusionModel. Overwrites initial status using random real values.


Reset the simulation setting the actual status to the initial configuration.



Describes the current model parameters (nodes, edges, status)

Returns:a dictionary containing for each parameter class the values specified during model configuration

Specify the statuses allowed by the model and their numeric code

Returns:a dictionary (status->code)

Execute Simulation


Execute a single model iteration :return: Iteration_id, Incremental node status (dictionary code -> status)

ARWHKModel.iteration_bunch(self, bunch_size)

Execute a bunch of model iterations

  • bunch_size – the number of iterations to execute
  • node_status – if the incremental node status has to be returned.
  • progress_bar – whether to display a progress bar, default False

a list containing for each iteration a dictionary {“iteration”: iteration_id, “status”: dictionary_node_to_status}


In the code below is shown an example of instantiation and execution of an ARWHK model simulation on a random graph: we assign an epsilon value of 0.32, the percentage of stubborness equal 0.2, the distribution of stubborness equal 0 and a weight equal 0.2 to all the edges.

import networkx as nx
import ndlib.models.ModelConfig as mc
import ndlib.models.opinions as opn

# Network topology
g = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(1000, 0.1)

# Model selection
model = opn.ARWHKModel(g)

# Model Configuration
config = mc.Configuration()
config.add_model_parameter("epsilon", 0.32)
config.add_model_parameter("perc_stubborness", 0.2)
config.add_model_parameter("option_for_stubbornness", 0)
config.add_model_parameter("method_variant", 2)

# Setting the edge parameters
weight = 0.2
if isinstance(g, nx.Graph):
    edges = g.edges
    edges = [(g.vs[e.tuple[0]]['name'], g.vs[e.tuple[1]]['name']) for e in]

for e in edges:
    config.add_edge_configuration("weight", e, weight)


# Simulation execution
iterations = model.iteration_bunch(20)
  1. Toccaceli, L. Milli and G. Rossetti. “Opinion Dynamic modeling of Fake News Perception,” in Proceedings of International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications, 2020.