The UTLDR model [1] describe a complex framework allowing to extend SEIR/SEIS to incorporate medical and non medical interventions. The acronym summarizes the five macro statuses an agent can be involved into:

  • U ndetected
  • T tested
  • L ocked
  • D ead
  • R ecovered

The U macro status follows the same rules of a classic SEIR(S) model and model the general epidemic evolution when no intervention is established.

The T macro status implements Testing (e.g., identification of exposed/infected agents) and model different classes of response (e.g., quarantine, hospitalization, ICU ospitalization).

The L macro status implements Lockdowns (that can be fine tuned on node attributes) and, as such, social contacts reduction.

Finally, the R and D statuses model the final outcome of an infection (either death or recovery) and are sensible to the various paths for reaching them.

Moreover, UTLDR allows also to include (effective/uneffective) vaccination effects.

UTLDR schema

UTLDR schema: U black statuses, T green statuses, L orange statuses.


During the simulation a node can experience the following statuses:

Name Code
Susceptible 0
Infected 1
Exposed 2
Recovered 3
Identified Exposed 4
Hospitalized Mild conditions 5
Hospitalized in ICU 6
Hospitalized in Severe conditions (not ICU) 7
Lockdown Susceptible 8
Lockdown Exposed 9
Lockdown Infected 10
Dead 11
Vaccinated 12


Name Type Value Type Default Mandatory Description
sigma Model float in [0, 1]   True Incubation rate
beta Model float in [0, 1]   True Infection rate
gamma Model float in [0, 1]   True Recovery rate (Mild, Asymtomatic, Paucisymtomatic)
gamma_t Model float in [0, 1] 0.6 False Recovery rate (Severe in ICU)
gamma_f Model float in [0, 1] 0.95 False Recovery rate (Severe not ICU)
omega Model float in [0, 1] 0 False Death probability (Mild, Asymtomatic, Paucisymtomatic)
omega_t Model float in [0, 1] 0 False Death probability (Severe in ICU)
omega_f Model float in [0, 1] 0 False Death probability (Severe not ICU)
phi_e Model float in [0, 1] 0 False Testing probability (if Exposed)
phi_i Model float in [0, 1] 0 False Testing probability (if Infected)
kappa_e Model float in [0, 1] 0.7 False 1 - False Negative probability (if Exposed)
kappa_i Model float in [0, 1] 0.9 False 1 - False Negative probability (if Infected)
epsilon_e Model float in [0, 1] 1 False Social restriction, percentage of pruned edges (Quarantine)
epsilon_l Model float in [0, 1] 1 False Social restriction, percentage of pruned edges (Lockdown)
lambda Model float in [0, 1] 1 False Lockdown effectiveness
mu Model float in [0, 1] 1 False Lockdown duration (1/expected iterations)
p Model float in [0, 1] 0 False Probability of long range (random) interactions
p_l Model float in [0, 1] 0 False Probability of long range (random) interactions (Lockdown)
lsize Model float in [0, 1] 0.25 False Percentage of long range interactions w.r.t. short range ones
icu_b Model int in [0, inf] N False ICU beds availability
iota Model float in [0, 1] 1 False Severe case probability (requiring ICU)
z Model float in [0, 1] 0 False Probability of infection from corpses
s Model float in [0, 1] 0 False Probability of no immunization after recovery
v Model float in [0, 1] 0 False Vaccination probability (once per agent)
f Model float in [0, 1] 0 False Probability of vaccination nullification (1/temporal coverage)
activity Node float in [0, 1] 1 False Node’s interactions per iteration (percentage of neighbors)
segment Node str None False Node’s class (e.g., age, gender)

The initial infection status can be defined via:

  • fraction_infected: Model Parameter, float in [0, 1]
  • Infected: Status Parameter, set of nodes

The two options are mutually exclusive and the latter takes precedence over the former.


In the code below is shown an example of instantiation and execution of an UTLDR simulation on a random graph.

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import ndlib.models.ModelConfig as mc
import ndlib.models.epidemics as epd

# Network topology
g = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(1000, 0.1)

model = epd.UTLDRModel(g)
config = mc.Configuration()

# Undetected
config.add_model_parameter("sigma", 0.05)
config.add_model_parameter("beta", {"M": 0.25, "F": 0})
config.add_model_parameter("gamma", 0.05)
config.add_model_parameter("omega", 0.01)
config.add_model_parameter("p", 0.04)
config.add_model_parameter("lsize", 0.2)

# Testing
config.add_model_parameter("phi_e", 0.03)
config.add_model_parameter("phi_i", 0.1)
config.add_model_parameter("kappa_e", 0.03)
config.add_model_parameter("kappa_i", 0.1)
config.add_model_parameter("gamma_t", 0.08)
config.add_model_parameter("gamma_f", 0.1)
config.add_model_parameter("omega_t", 0.01)
config.add_model_parameter("omega_f", 0.08)
config.add_model_parameter("epsilon_e", 1)
config.add_model_parameter("icu_b", 10)
config.add_model_parameter("iota", 0.20)
config.add_model_parameter("z", 0.2)
config.add_model_parameter("s", 0.05)

# Lockdown
config.add_model_parameter("lambda", 0.8)
config.add_model_parameter("epsilon_l", 5)
config.add_model_parameter("mu", 0.05)
config.add_model_parameter("p_l", 0.04)

# Vaccination
config.add_model_parameter("v", 0.15)
config.add_model_parameter("f", 0.02)

nodes = g.nodes
ngender = ['M', 'F']
work = ['school', 'PA', 'hospital', 'none']
for i in nodes:
    config.add_node_configuration("activity", i, 1)
    config.add_node_configuration("work", i, np.random.choice(work, 2))
    config.add_node_configuration("segment", i, np.random.choice(ngender, 1)[0])

iterations = model.iteration_bunch(10)

households = {0: [1, 2, 3, 4], 5: [6, 7]}
model.set_lockdown(households, ['PA', 'school'])
iterations = model.iteration_bunch(10)

iterations = model.iteration_bunch(10)

iterations = model.iteration_bunch(10)

iterations = model.iteration_bunch(10)

iterations = model.iteration_bunch(10)
  1. Rossetti, L. Milli, S. Citraro. UTLDR: an agent-based framework for modeling infectious diseases and public interventions. Working Paper, 2020